ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tehran American School

Tehran American School is a school in Tehran, which is a big city in a country called Iran. The school is a special kind of school where students can learn in both English and the language of Iran. It's sort of like how some people learn Spanish in a school in America, except they learn Iranian in Iran.

The school is called the "American" school because it teaches things in a way that is similar to how schools in America do it. So, for example, they might use textbooks that are also used in American schools, or they might have teachers who studied and learned how to teach in America.

This school can be a good choice for kids who are American, or kids who want to learn in English and also learn about Iranian culture. It can also be a good choice for families who move to Iran for work, but want their kids to continue their education in English.

Overall, Tehran American School is a school in Iran that teaches in both English and Iranian, and uses some teaching methods that are similar to schools in America.