ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Telecom infrastructure sharing

Telecom infrastructure sharing is a way for companies that provide phone and internet services to share the things they need to provide those services.

Imagine you and your friends are playing a game and you need some toys to play it. In the same way, telecom companies need things like towers, cables, and other equipment to provide phone and internet services.

Instead of each company building their own towers and cables, they can share them with other companies. It's like sharing your toys with your friends instead of buying everything yourself.

This can save the companies a lot of money and make it easier for them to provide services in different areas. It's like if you and your friends each brought different toys to the game, you would have more things to play with and have more fun. In the same way, sharing infrastructure means that phone and internet services can be provided to more people in more places, making it easier for everyone to communicate and stay connected.
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