ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tell Tayinat

Tayinat is a place that used to be very, very old. A long, long time ago, people lived there, and they did things like farming and building houses. They also had their own special language and gods that they worshiped.

Nowadays, people have found lots of things in Tayinat that help them learn about what life was like back then. They have found pottery that people used to cook and eat with, and bone tools that people used to make things with. They have even found beautiful carvings and statues that show what the gods looked like to those people long ago.

People who study Tayinat have to be very careful when they are digging things up because they want to make sure that they don't accidentally break anything. They also want to make sure that they take really good notes about where everything comes from so that later on, they can put all the pieces together and figure out what life was like in Tayinat a long, long time ago.