ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Temporary foreign worker program in Canada

Okay kiddo, so imagine you're throwing a big party at your house and you need some extra help to make sure everything runs smoothly. You might ask your friends to help out, but what if they're all busy? That's where the Temporary Foreign Worker Program comes in.

The program is kind of like asking some helpers from another place to come and work with you for a little while. People from other countries can apply to work in Canada for a specific job, like picking berries on a farm or working in a restaurant, for example.

But before they can come to Canada, the employer has to prove that there aren't enough Canadian workers who are available or qualified to do the job. They also have to show that they're offering fair wages and good working conditions.

The workers can only stay in Canada for a limited time, usually up to two years. During that time, they can work and live in Canada, but their employer has to follow certain rules to make sure they're being treated fairly and paid properly.

Once the workers' time is up, they have to go back to their home country. This is because the program is designed to help fill temporary gaps in the Canadian workforce, not to bring in permanent employees from other countries.

So that's the Temporary Foreign Worker Program in a nutshell. It's a way for Canadian employers to get some extra help when they need it, while also making sure that workers from other countries are being treated fairly and following the rules.