Tengrism is an ancient belief system that originated in Central Asia, and it focuses on the worship of the sky god Tengri. Just like how we have different gods and goddesses in Hinduism, Christianity or any other religion, Tengrism has Tengri as its main deity.
Tengrism says that everything in the world, both living and non-living, is connected through a spiritual force, kind of like how all the different parts in your body work together to make you function properly. They believe that everything is part of a whole, and when one element is neglected or abused, it can have negative consequences on the whole system.
For Tengrists, nature plays a significant role in their spirituality. They respect the environment and consider it an essential part of their spiritual practice. They believe that everything in the world has its own spirit, which needs to be respected and protected.
Tengrism is a simple and straightforward religion that does not have many rules and regulations like other religions. Tengrists just believe in the importance of being kind to others, respecting nature, and living a peaceful life.
In conclusion, Tengrism is an ancient belief system that originated in Central Asia, which revolves around the worship of the sky god Tengri. It emphasizes the importance of respecting nature, maintaining balance in the world, and living a peaceful life.