ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tension (physics)

Tension is like playing Tug of War with your friends. When you and your friends are pulling on the rope with equal strength, the rope is experiencing a balanced force, which is called tension.

When we talk about tension in physics, we mean the force that is pulling on something. It is the force that keeps things from falling apart, like the force that keeps a rope tight when you're pulling on it.

Think about a rubber band. When you stretch it, you're creating tension in the rubber band. The further you stretch it, the more tension there is. If you let go of one end of the rubber band, it snaps back into its original shape because the tension is released.

Tension is also important when you're looking at things like bridges, buildings, and other structures. These things need to be designed so that they can handle the tension that's created by the weight of the people or objects that they're supporting.

So, in short, tension is the force that keeps things together and prevents them from falling apart.