ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tent revival

Have you ever seen a big tent outside, like at the fair or the circus? Well, sometimes people use that kind of tent for something called a "tent revival".

A tent revival is like a big outdoor church service that happens for a few days or weeks. People go there to learn about God and worship together.

Sometimes, the people who lead the tent revival are called "evangelists". These are people who want to tell others about God and Jesus. They might sing songs, read from the Bible, and give speeches to help people understand more about God and how to be good people.

People who go to a tent revival might pray, sing, and listen to the preaching. Sometimes, the tent revival can be really emotional because people might be crying, shouting, or even speaking in a different language, which they think means that the Holy Spirit is talking through them.

Tent revivals have been around for a long time, and they can be a big part of some people's faith.