ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A tepukei is a special kind of boat that has been used by people who live on the islands in the South Pacific Ocean for hundreds of years. It is made out of things like wood, coconut fibers, and bamboo, which all come from plants that grow on the islands.

Tepukeis are very important to the people who use them, because they allow them to travel across the water from one island to another. The islands are often very far apart, so without the tepukei, people would not be able to see their friends and family who live on other islands very often.

The boat itself is very long and narrow, and it is built with a curved bottom that helps it glide smoothly through the water. There are usually two long poles sticking out of the sides of the boat, which people use to steer and balance it.

The most interesting thing about a tepukei is that it does not have a motor like most boats do – instead, it is powered completely by the wind! There is a large sail made out of woven palm leaves or other materials that catches the wind and moves the boat forward.

Tepukeis are very beautiful and special boats, and they are a big part of the culture and history of the people who live on the islands in the South Pacific.