ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Terminal station

Hey there! Do you know what a train is? Yes? Okay! So, imagine you are at the train station waiting for a train to arrive.

Now, a terminal station is basically the last station on a train's route. It's the place where the train ends its journey and all passengers get off. The train cannot go any further than the terminal station because there are no more tracks to travel on.

Think of it like reaching the end of the line for a bus or a subway train. Once the vehicle gets to its last stop, everyone must leave and wait for the next one to come along. That's exactly what happens at a terminal station for trains.

Terminal stations are also important because they allow passengers to transfer to other trains or modes of transportation to continue their journey. It's like a big hub where people come together to catch different trains and get to where they need to go.

So, that's what a terminal station is! It's the last stop for a train where everyone gets off and it's an important place where people can switch to different trains or transportation methods. Hope that helps!