ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Terroristic threat

Okay kiddo, I'll try to make this easy to understand. A terroristic threat is when someone says or does something that makes other people feel scared or worried that someone might hurt them. It's like when someone threatens to do something really bad, like hurt a lot of people or blow up a building.

Now, it's important to know that just because someone says something scary, it doesn't always mean they're going to do it. But, it's also important to take these threats seriously because sometimes people do follow through with their scary words.

So, when someone makes a terroristic threat, the police usually get involved to make sure everyone is safe and to investigate if the threat is real or not. If the threat is found to be real, the person who made the threat can get in a lot of trouble and go to jail.

Hopefully, that helps you understand what a terroristic threat is. Remember, everyone should always try to be kind and never say or do things that make others feel scared or unsafe.