ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Testimony of simplicity

Okay, so imagine you have a toy chest full of your favorite toys. You love playing with all of them, but you also know that you have to take care of them so they can last a long time.

The testimony of simplicity is kind of like taking care of your toys. It means trying to live a simple life and not getting too caught up in lots of extra things that might cause problems or make it harder to take care of everything.

Just like you have to choose which toys you want to play with, people who follow the testimony of simplicity try to choose things that are important and necessary, and not add too many extra things that might be distracting or overwhelming.

They might try to use fewer resources or buy fewer things, and focus on what really matters, like spending time with family and friends, helping others, and being kind to the environment.

So, think of it like taking care of your toys and making sure you have space to play and enjoy them, instead of having so many that you can't take care of them all. That's what the testimony of simplicity is all about!