ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Textile manufacturing

Textile manufacturing is the process of making things like clothes, towels, and sheets.

It all starts with fibers, which are tiny pieces of material that can be spun into long strands called yarn. These fibers can come from plants (like cotton or bamboo) or animals (like wool or silk).

The first step in textile manufacturing is usually to clean and sort the fibers so that they are all similar in size and quality. This is called "carding." Then, the fibers are spun into yarn using a machine called a spinning wheel.

Once the yarn is made, it can be dyed different colors or printed with designs. Then, it's woven into fabric using a machine known as a loom. This creates the final product that we use, like a shirt or a towel.

After the fabric is woven, it may need to be ironed or pressed to make it smooth. Then it can be cut into the right shape and sewn together to make clothes, towels, or sheets.

Overall, textile manufacturing involves taking fibers, spinning them into yarn, weaving the yarn into fabric, and then turning that fabric into finished products like clothes or towels.