ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Aristocrats (joke)

Okay kiddo, so there's this thing called a joke that grown-ups tell each other to make each other laugh. One joke that's been around for a really long time is called "The Aristocrats."

Now, the joke isn't really about anything in particular. Instead, it's just a way for comedians to show off their sense of humor and creativity. Here's how it goes:

A family walks into a talent agency and the agent asks them what their act is. The family responds by doing the most outrageous and disgusting performance imaginable. They do things like poop on the floor, vomit all over each other, and have sex with each other. And yet, the agent asks them what their act is called. The family proudly responds, "The Aristocrats!"

Now, this might not seem very funny to you, and that's okay. But for grown-ups who are into comedy, "The Aristocrats" is kind of a big deal. It's a way for comedians to test their boundaries and see how far they can push things for the sake of being funny.

So there you have it, kiddo. "The Aristocrats" might seem pretty gross and weird, but it's actually just a silly joke that grown-ups like to tell to make each other laugh.