ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Assassination Bureau, Ltd

Okay kiddo, so have you ever heard of the game "Assassin"? It's when you and your friends pretend to be secret agents and sneakily try to tag each other without anyone noticing. Well, back in the old days, there was something like that but for grown-ups called the Assassination Bureau, Ltd.

The Assassination Bureau, Ltd was a group of professional hitmen (people who were hired to kill others) who got together to help people who needed someone taken out. Now, this was a very shady business and the people who hired hitmen didn't want anyone finding out so they needed to be super sneaky.

The Assassination Bureau, Ltd had a set of rules they followed to keep everything discreet. They wouldn't take on a job unless it was ethical (which means it was allowed by the law and was a good thing to do), they wouldn't take on a job if it was too risky, and they would only accept payment if the job was successful.

But, eventually, people found out about the Assassination Bureau, Ltd and the police started to investigate. The hitmen were caught and the Bureau was shut down. Now, we don't have anything like the Assassination Bureau, Ltd today because it's illegal to hire someone to kill another person. It's important to always do the right thing and never resort to violence or breaking the law.