ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Beast (preterism)

Okay kiddo, imagine a big scary beast. The beast is called preterism and it's actually a way people interpret the Bible. Some people believe that the Bible talks about things that happened in the past and some that will happen in the future. Preterists believe that most of the things in the Bible that people think are about the future actually already happened a long time ago.

So imagine a big timeline. Everything that happened before Jesus' birth is before the timeline starts, and everything after is after. Preterists believe that most of the things in the Bible about the end of the world actually already happened in the past, specifically when the Romans destroyed the city of Jerusalem and the Jewish temple in 70 AD.

So, to put it simply, preterism is like imagining a big story and realizing that some of the things we thought would happen in the future actually already happened in the past. Kind of like when you remember that time you went to Disneyland and it felt like forever ago but it already happened.