ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Borderers

Okay kiddo, so let me tell you about the Borderers. Long, long time ago in Europe, there were these fierce warriors who lived in a place called the Borders. The Borders were kind of like a wild, untamed land, full of forests, hills, and mountains. These warriors were known for their love of fighting and raiding, and they would often go to battle with each other and with their neighboring countries.

The Borderers had their own way of life, which was very different from the other people living in Europe. They had their own customs, their own language, and their own traditions. They were also very independent and didn't like to be told what to do.

Because of their love for fighting and raiding, the Borderers were often looked down upon by the other people in Europe. They were seen as wild and uncivilized, and nobody really wanted to mess with them.

But despite all of this, the Borderers were also known for their bravery and loyalty. They would always stand up for each other and fight to protect their land and their people.

So that's a little bit about the Borderers. They were fierce warriors who lived in a wild, untamed land and had their own way of life. They were often looked down upon by others, but they were also known for their bravery and loyalty.