ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Convention on Modern Liberty

Alright, so you know how mommy and daddy teach you about rules you have to follow, like saying "please" and "thank you" or not hitting other kids? Well, countries also have rules they have to follow, called laws. And the Convention on Modern Liberty is like a big meeting where people from all over the world get together to talk about these laws and make sure they are fair and protect people's rights.

You see, just like how you don't like it when someone takes your toys without asking, grown-ups don't like it when their governments take away their freedoms and rights without asking them first. The Convention on Modern Liberty is all about making sure that governments listen to what the people want and don't do anything that goes against their basic rights and freedoms.

People who go to the convention talk about things like privacy, how much power the government should have, and how to make sure people are treated fairly no matter where they're from or what they look like. These ideas are really important because they help make sure that everyone can live their lives the way they want to, without being afraid of the government or other people taking away their rights.

So, in short, the Convention on Modern Liberty is like a big meeting for grown-ups where they talk about how to make sure governments don't take away people's basic rights and freedoms. It's kind of like how mommy and daddy teach you about being fair and respectful to others, but on a much bigger level.