ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Day After Tomorrow

"The Day After Tomorrow" is a movie that shows us a make-believe story of what could happen if the weather became very, very severe.

In real life, we know that sometimes the weather can get very hot or very cold, and sometimes a storm or tornado can occur. But in this movie, the weather changes suddenly and quickly.

The scientists in the movie say that this is because of something called global warming, which means that instead of the Earth staying at a normal temperature, it is getting hotter and hotter because of pollution and things that people do.

Because of this, the glaciers on the Earth are melting, which causes a lot of cold water to flow into the ocean. This cold water mixes with the ocean's warm water and causes something called "ocean currents" to change. This change in ocean currents makes the weather become very, very severe very quickly.

During the movie, the weather changes so much that there is snow in places where it is usually very hot, and huge storms and tornadoes cause a lot of damage. People have to try to survive the severe weather conditions, and there are some scary moments in the movie, but in the end, the main characters do survive.

While the movie is not completely accurate, it does show us how important it is to take care of the environment and the planet we live on. We should try to reduce pollution and take care of the Earth, so that we can prevent severe weather changes like the ones shown in the movie from happening in real life.