ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Fifth Gospel

Okay, kiddo, let's talk about the fifth gospel! So you know how there are four books in the Bible called Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John that tell us about the life of Jesus? Well, some people believe that there's actually another "book" of sorts that tells us even more about Jesus. This "book" is called the fifth gospel.

But wait, you might be wondering, how can there be a fifth gospel if there are already four books in the Bible about Jesus? Well, the fifth gospel isn't a physical book like the other four gospels. Instead, it's a way of looking at other writings and stories that tell us more about Jesus and his teachings.

Some people believe that these other writings and stories, which were written by early Christian leaders and thinkers, give us a deeper understanding of who Jesus was and what he taught. They believe that these writings help us to fill in some of the gaps that might exist in the four gospels.

For example, one of the most well-known of these extra-biblical writings is called the Gospel of Thomas. This writing contains sayings of Jesus that aren't found in the other gospels. Some people believe that these sayings help us to better understand Jesus' teachings and his message.

So, in summary, the fifth gospel isn't a physical book, but rather a way of looking at other writings that help us to better understand Jesus' life and teachings. Some people believe that these writings are just as important as the four gospels, and that they give us a more complete picture of who Jesus was and what he taught.