ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Fourth Estate (2018 TV series)

The Fourth Estate is a TV series that talks about a very important job in the world called journalism. Journalists are people who tell stories about what is happening in the world. They find out information and share it with other people through newspapers, websites, TV shows, and magazines.

The Fourth Estate is called that because it is often considered to be like a fourth “branch” of the government, in addition to the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. Journalists help to make sure that the government is doing its job properly by reporting on what they are doing and holding them accountable.

The TV series follows a group of journalists who work at a big newspaper called The New York Times. They work very hard to find the most important stories and tell the truth about what is happening in the world. They go to lots of different places, meet lots of different people, and ask lots of questions in order to gather all of the information they need to write their stories.

The Fourth Estate TV show is exciting and interesting because it shows you how journalism works in the real world. It helps you understand how journalists are so important in making sure that we know what is going on around us and can make informed decisions about the world we live in.