ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Freudian Coverup

Once upon a time, there was a man named Sigmund Freud who thought a lot about feelings and emotions. He came up with a way of talking to people called psychoanalysis, where you talk about your feelings and try to understand why you feel certain ways. But he also had some ideas that were very unpopular with some people.

One of those ideas was that sometimes people could have icky feelings towards their parents, like maybe they want to marry their mom or dad. This is a really big no-no in our society, because it's not something that's okay to do.

So some people got really mad at Freud about this idea, and they tried to make it go away. They didn't like that he was talking about these things that nobody else was talking about. So they tried to hide it and pretend like it wasn't a real thing.

That's called a "cover-up." It's like when you have a stain on your shirt and you put a sweater over it to hide it. But just because you can't see the stain doesn't mean it's not there.

So even though some people didn't like Freud's ideas, they couldn't make them go away completely. Some people still talk about these ideas today, even though they're not always popular. But it's okay to talk about how you feel, even if it's not what everyone else thinks. And that's the story of the Freudian coverup, my little friend!