ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Geographical Pivot of History

Okay kiddo, so the geographical pivot of history is like a really important place on the Earth that has shaped a lot of what has happened in history. It's basically like the center of everything that's happened in the world.

This special place is in the middle of a big landmass called Eurasia, which includes Europe and Asia. It's around where the countries of Russia, China, and the Middle East are today.

The reason it's so important is because it's where a lot of the world's important trade routes and resources are. People have been traveling through this area for centuries, trading things like spices, silk, and metal.

Because of all this trading and movement of people, there have been a lot of important empires and kingdoms that have risen and fallen in this area. For example, the Mongol Empire, which was really big and powerful, was centered in this area.

So, the geographical pivot of history is like this super important spot on the Earth that has had a big impact on history because it's where people and goods have been moving through for centuries.