ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Green Book (BBC)

The Green Book is a book that was created by a man named Muammar Gaddafi, who was the leader of Libya a long time ago.

Now, the Green Book was a special book because it had a lot of ideas in it about how a country should be run. Gaddafi believed that people should have more of a say in what happens in their country, instead of just one person making all the decisions.

He also believed that people should have equal rights, and that everyone should be able to have what they need to live a good life. So, he put all of his ideas in the Green Book so that people could learn about them and understand why he thought this way.

The Green Book was very important in Libya for a long time because it was like a guidebook for how the country should be run. People could read it and learn how to make their country better.

However, some people didn't agree with everything that was in the Green Book, and they thought that Gaddafi was trying to control everything. So, over time, the Green Book became less important in Libya and isn't used much anymore.

Even though the Green Book isn't used much anymore, it was still very important at one time because it had a lot of ideas in it that were different from what people were used to.