ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Hapa Project

The Hapa Project is a cool effort that focuses on celebrating people who come from two or more different cultural backgrounds. Imagine having an American Mom and a Chinese Dad, you would be part American and part Chinese. That is what is known as being Hapa. Hapa is a Hawaiian word that means "part" or "mixed".

Going back to The Hapa Project, it is like a cool collage of lots of different people who are all Hapa. The project showcases photos and stories of these people, talking about their heritage and experiences growing up in two (or more) cultures. The aim is to create a community that celebrates Hapa culture, and helps these people connect with and learn from other Hapas around the world.

The Hapa Project is also about representing diversity and acceptance. Everyone deserves to be proud of their background, no matter what their race, nationality or heritage may be. The Hapa Project helps people celebrate and embrace their individuality, and at the same time, appreciate and learn from others who may come from different backgrounds.