"The Hound of the Baskervilles" is a spooky story about a big mean dog that terrorizes a family called the Baskervilles who live in a big house in England. The family believes that the dog is a curse brought upon them by their ancestors who did some bad things a long time ago.
The story starts when a man named Dr. James Mortimer, who is a friend of the Baskerville family, comes to a famous detective named Sherlock Holmes and tells him about the family’s fear of the dog. Dr. Mortimer explains that the last Baskerville, Sir Charles, died in strange circumstances while walking on the moor near their house. Some people say that he was attacked and killed by the hound, but others say that he died of fear after seeing the dog. The family is now worried because the new heir to the Baskerville fortune, Sir Henry, has just arrived in England and they fear that the dog may target him next.
Sherlock Holmes sends his friend Dr. John Watson to the Baskerville house to investigate the case and to protect Sir Henry. They arrive at the spooky old mansion and learn that the family’s past is full of secrets and mysterious events. While investigating, they find clues that lead them to a dangerous criminal who may be the mastermind behind the attacks.
Finally, they discover that the big mean dog is not a supernatural beast, but a regular dog that has been trained to be vicious by the criminal. In the end, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson catch the criminal and the Baskerville family is saved from the curse of the hound.