ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Much Honoured

Ok kiddo, do you know what it means to be honoured? It means that people think you are special and they want to show you respect and appreciation.

When someone is called "much honoured", it means that they are extremely respected and admired by others. It's like they are a superhero, but instead of having superpowers, they have done really great things that have helped a lot of people or made the world a better place.

People might use the term "much honoured" to describe someone who has won awards for their work, like a scientist who has discovered something important, or an author who has written a really good book. It can also be used for someone who has shown great bravery or courage, like a firefighter or a soldier.

So, being "much honoured" is a really big deal! It means that a lot of people think you are amazing and worthy of admiration.