ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Potlatch Ban

Okay kiddo, a long time ago in Canada, there were some people who had special ceremonies called potlatches. These were big parties where they shared food, gifts, and dances with their friends and family. It was a really important part of their culture and traditions.

But then, some people who didn't like these ceremonies decided to make a law that said the potlatches were illegal. They thought that the potlatches were a waste of time and resources and that the people who did them were not very civilized.

So, for many years, the people who wanted to do potlatches had to do them secretly and hide them from the law. This made it really hard for them to keep their culture and traditions alive.

But eventually, some people realized that this law was not fair and they worked to get it changed. Finally, in the 1950s, the law that banned potlatches was lifted and people were able to openly celebrate their culture and traditions again.

So, the potlatch ban was a law that made it illegal for some people to celebrate their important cultural ceremonies, but luckily this law was eventually lifted, and everyone can now appreciate and preserve these traditions.