ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Sacred Book of the Werewolf

Okay kiddo, so imagine a werewolf is someone who's half wolf and half human. Now, they have a special book that's really important to them called the sacred book of the werewolf. This book has all kinds of important stuff about being a werewolf, like how to control their powers and how to behave so they don't hurt anyone.

In the book, there are also stories about other werewolves who went through similar experiences and learned valuable lessons that can help other werewolves. It's kind of like a big guidebook for being a werewolf, and it helps them understand their unique abilities and responsibilities.

The werewolves believe that this book is really special and should be treasured and respected. They keep it safe and only share it with other werewolves they trust. It's like their own special secret book that only they can read and learn from.

So basically, the sacred book of the werewolf is like a special instruction manual for werewolves that helps them understand and control their powers, so they can coexist with their human and wolf sides without causing harm to themselves or others.