ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Seventy Years Declaration

Let's say you have a toy that you really like. You play with it all the time, but eventually, it starts to get old and needs to be fixed. You take it to your parents and they tell you that they will fix it for you, but it might take some time - maybe even seventy days!

Now, imagine a group of people who have a problem that needs to be fixed. They are called the Jewish people, and their problem is that they don't have a home of their own. A long time ago, they had a special place called Israel, but they had to leave and go live somewhere else. They were waiting and hoping for a long time to be able to go back to their home.

Finally, in the year 1947, a very important group of people from different countries came together to talk about how to fix the problem for the Jewish people. They decided to make a declaration, which means they wrote down some important promises. This declaration was called the "Seventy Years Declaration," but it didn't mean they would fix the problem in seventy days - it meant they were going to fix it after seventy years!

The Seventy Years Declaration said that the Jewish people could have their own home again in part of Israel. This was really important because it meant they could live somewhere that was special to them, where they could speak their own language and practice their own traditions.

It took a few years, but eventually, the Jewish people were able to go back and live in their home. They called their new country Israel, and it's still there today. The Seventy Years Declaration was a very important promise that helped to make this happen.