ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Shadow Brokers

Okay, imagine there is a group of bad guys who call themselves the Shadow Brokers. They like to steal things from other people and keep them for themselves.

One day, the Shadow Brokers stole some really important computer programs that belong to a group that tries to keep people safe, called the National Security Agency or NSA. These computer programs are like secret tools that the NSA uses to do their job.

The Shadow Brokers then put these stolen computer programs up for sale on the internet, hoping to make a lot of money from people who want to use them for bad things.

The NSA was very embarrassed that their secret tools got stolen and they tried to stop the Shadow Brokers, but it was really hard because the Shadow Brokers are very smart and sneaky.

Some people think that the Shadow Brokers might even be working for another country, like China or Russia, trying to steal secrets from the US.

So it's important for us to be careful with our important information and to not let bad guys like the Shadow Brokers steal things from us.