ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Song That Never Ends

The song that never ends is a funny little song that just keeps going and going and going. It's like when you're playing with your toy car and you just keep driving it around and around and around.

The words of the song are very simple, and they go like this: "This is the song that never ends." See, I told you it's a funny little song!

But then it gets even more silly. The song goes on to say that "it goes on and on, my friend" and that "some people started singing it, not knowing what it was." Can you imagine just singing a song but not knowing what it is?

And then, of course, the most important thing about the song that never ends is that it just keeps going and going and going. There's no end to it! It's like a never-ending story, but with music instead of words.

So if you ever want to sing a song that makes you smile and laugh and never stops, just remember the song that never ends. And then keep singing it, over and over and over again!