ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Soul of Baseball

Well kiddo, you know how when you play a game like hide and seek or tag with your friends, it can make you feel really happy and alive? You might not know why, but it just feels like a really special thing to be doing with the people you love.

Well, some grown-ups feel the same way about a game called baseball. It's a game where you hit a ball with a bat and run around some bases to try and score points. But for some people, it's more than just a game. They say that baseball has a special thing inside of it called the "soul of baseball."

The soul of baseball is kind of like the feeling you get when you do something that makes you really happy and connect with other people. It's a feeling of fun and excitement, but also of respect and honor for the game and the people who play it.

Some people believe that the soul of baseball comes from the history and traditions of the game. Baseball has been played for a long time and there are a lot of stories and legends that have been passed down from generation to generation. When you play baseball, you become part of that history and that makes it feel extra special.

Others believe that the soul of baseball comes from the way it brings people together. When you go to a baseball game, you sit with a big group of people and cheer for the same team. Even if you don't know them, you all feel connected because you all love the game. Baseball can also bring people from different parts of the world together because it's played in many countries.

Whatever the reason, the soul of baseball is something that makes the game feel extra special for some people. They say that it's more than just a game, it's a way of life. So, whether you love baseball or not, it's important to understand that it means a lot to some people and that's why they call it the soul of baseball.