Okay kiddo, so you know how there are three big things that can make us do bad things or make bad choices? They are called the world, the flesh, and the devil.
The world is basically everything around us that can influence us. Like the things we see on TV, the music we listen to, and the people we hang out with. Sometimes these things can make us want to do things that aren't good for us or for others.
Next is the flesh. This means our own bodies and our own desires. Sometimes we want things that aren't good for us, like maybe eating too much junk food or wanting to stay up really late even though we know we need to sleep.
And finally, the devil. Some people believe that there is a bad guy out there who wants us to make bad choices and do bad things. He is called the devil, and he is really good at tricking us into thinking that the bad things we want to do are actually good or okay.
So when we make choices, we need to try to think about all three of these things and make sure we are doing the right thing, even if it's not the thing we really want to do. It can be hard, but it's important to try our best to make good choices and be kind to others.