ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Theft of services

Theft of services is like taking something that is not yours without paying for it. When we go to a store and want to buy something, we give the store money and they give us the thing we want to buy. This is called a transaction.

But what if someone goes to a store and takes something without paying for it? That person would be stealing.

Now think about services. Services are things that people do for us, like fixing our car or cutting our hair. We have to pay people for these services, just like we pay for things in a store.

Now imagine someone gets these services without paying for them, just like taking something from a store without paying. This would be theft of services. It's not fair because the person providing the service spent their time and energy to help someone, but the person didn't pay for it like they were supposed to.

It's important to always pay for the things and services we get so that everyone can be treated fairly and get what they deserve.