ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, the theorbo is a really big guitar with extra strings and a long neck that makes a deep, booming sound. It was often used a long time ago, when people wanted to play music that sounded fancy and important.

Think about a regular guitar - you know how it has six strings that you strum or pluck to make music? Well, the theorbo is like that, but it has a lot more strings - sometimes as many as fourteen or more!

These extra strings are called "bass strings," and they are really thick and heavy, so they make a deep, low sound when you play them. The neck of the guitar is also longer than a regular guitar, so you can reach all the strings and play different notes.

Musicians who play the theorbo usually use their fingers to pick the strings instead of using a pick like on a regular guitar. They also have to hold the instrument differently because it's so big!

So that's the theorbo! It's a really cool guitar with lots of strings and a big, deep sound.