ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Thermal lance

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a dragon breathe fire? Imagine a stick that can breathe fire like a dragon! That's what a thermal lance is.

The thermal lance is a long metal rod that can reach extremely high temperatures. It's made of two parts: an outer steel tube and an inner core of iron rods. The iron rods are stacked tightly inside the steel tube and are then sealed on both ends.

When the steel tube is lit on one end, it heats up and melts the iron rods inside. The iron reacts with the oxygen in the air and creates incredibly high temperatures, up to 4,000 degrees Celsius, that's really, really hot!

The thermal lance can then be used to cut through all kinds of tough materials like metal, rock, or concrete. It's like a super hot sword that can cut through almost anything.

It's often used in industries like construction, mining, and demolition. Even firefighters use them to cut through walls and doors quickly.

So that's a thermal lance, kiddo. A really hot stick that can melt through almost anything, like a dragon's fire breath!
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