ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Thilashin is a word used in Buddhism to describe a type of female religious practitioner. Imagine your grandma who loves going to church every Sunday and runs a prayer group with her friends. Thilashin are similar, but instead of a church, they go to Buddhist temples or monasteries.

Thilashin wear special clothing that covers their head and body, which helps them to focus on their spiritual practice. They spend a lot of time meditating, studying Buddhist texts, and doing good deeds like giving food to those in need. They also take vows, which are like promises, to follow certain rules such as not lying, stealing, or harming others.

Thilashin are important in Buddhism because they help to spread the teachings of the Buddha and inspire others to live a kind and compassionate life. So just like your grandma sets a good example for you by being kind and loving, thilashin set an example for others to follow through their dedication to Buddhism and good deeds.
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