ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Thiosulfinate is a fancy word for a type of molecule that can be found in certain plants, such as garlic and onions. This molecule is what gives these plants their strong smell and taste.

Now, molecules are made up of atoms, which are like little building blocks. Thiosulfinate molecules have atoms of sulfur and oxygen, which are very important because they are what make the molecule special and useful.

When we eat foods with thiosulfinate, our bodies break down the molecule into different parts. This creates a compound called allicin, which is what gives garlic and onions their health benefits.

Allicin has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, which can help boost our immune systems and fight off infections.

So, even though thiosulfinate may be a big word, it's just a special type of molecule that can help keep us healthy when we eat foods like garlic and onions.