ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Thom's first isotopy lemma

Okay, so let's imagine you have two pieces of rope. They might look different - maybe one is longer, or maybe one has a knot in the middle. But if you pull and stretch and wiggle with them enough, you might be able to make them look exactly the same. That's what isotopy means - it's like a magic trick that lets you transform one thing into another thing without cutting it or adding anything new.

Thom's First Isotopy Lemma is like a rule that tells you when two things are isotopic. It says that if you have two curves - like wavy lines on a piece of paper - that are close enough together, then you can isotop one of them onto the other one.

Imagine you have a curlyQ shaped curve, and another "fatter" curve running parallel to it. Thom's First Isotopy Lemma says that - as long as they are always close enough together - you can take the curlyQ curve and slowly move it around, twisting and bending it, so that it eventually becomes the same as the fatter curve. It's a bit like stretching and pulling the rope in our earlier example - you're just doing it with wiggly lines instead.

It might not seem like a big deal, but this lemma is actually really important. It helps mathematicians study all sorts of things - like knots, and surfaces, and the shapes of things in higher dimensions. And it's just the beginning - there are lots of other isotopy lemmas and tricks that mathematicians can use to transform one thing into another. It's like a secret tool that helps them unlock all sorts of mysteries about the world around us.