ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Thunder god

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes when it's all dark outside and it's raining really hard, you hear this really loud noise that sounds like a big clap? That's called thunder!

People from long, long ago used to think that the sound of thunder was actually a god up in the sky named Thor, who was really strong and powerful. They called him the Thunder God because he could make that loud noise with just a bolt of lightning!

In some stories, Thor even had a special hammer that he could throw and it would make thunder and lightning happen. Can you imagine throwing a hammer so hard it makes a loud noise in the sky?

So basically, the Thunder God is a make-believe character people used to think controlled thunder and lightning, and they came up with cool stories about him being really strong and having a special hammer. But now we know that thunder is just a sound caused by the electricity in the air during a storm.