ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tianchao Daguo

Oh, hi there! So, have you heard of something called Tianchao Daguo? It's actually a very interesting topic - it is the Chinese term for "Great Qing Empire" which was the name given to China when it was ruled by the Qing Dynasty.

The Qing Dynasty was a really long time ago, starting in 1644 and lasting until 1911. That's over 300 years! During that time, China had a lot of different emperors and leaders who made decisions about how the country was run.

One thing that is really interesting about the Qing Dynasty is that it was different from the other dynasties that came before it. There were a lot of people from different ethnic groups who lived in China, and the Qing Dynasty was actually started by a group of people called the Manchus, who came from a region in modern-day China called Manchuria.

The Manchus were able to take over China because they had a really strong military. They were also able to create a lot of reforms that helped China become a stronger country. One of these reforms was giving people more of a say in how their local areas were run - this was called the "banner system".

During the Qing Dynasty, China had a lot of interactions with other countries. Some of these interactions were good - for example, China traded a lot with other countries and this helped them become richer. But, there were also some problems - some countries wanted to take over parts of China, and this led to conflicts and wars.

So, when people talk about Tianchao Daguo, they are referring to this long period of time when China was ruled by the Qing Dynasty. It was a time of great change, with new ideas and new people coming into China. And even though it was a really long time ago, we can still learn a lot from studying this period of history.