ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ticket quota

Okay kiddo, so imagine you have a basket of apples. The police also have a basket, but instead of apples, they have tickets.

The police have a rule that says they have to give out a certain number of tickets every day. They call this their "ticket quota." It's like their boss tells them they have to give out at least five tickets each day or they won't get any ice cream after work.

This might make you wonder, "Why do they have to give out tickets if people are just trying to drive safely?" Well, sometimes people break the law and put themselves and other people in danger. The police want to make sure everyone is following the rules so everyone can be safe on the roads.

So, the police officers drive around looking for people who are doing something wrong. If they see someone speeding or running a red light, they'll write them a ticket and put it in their basket.

If the police officers reach their ticket quota for the day, they can stop giving out tickets and go home. But if they don't reach their quota, they might have to keep looking for rule breakers until they do.

So that's a ticket quota, kiddo. It's like a goal the police officers have to reach for how many tickets they need to give out to keep everyone safe.