ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Time deviation

Hello little one! Today we are going to talk about time deviation. You know how we use clocks to tell time, right? Well, sometimes these clocks can be a little bit off - like how a broken clock might say it's 10 AM when it's really 2 PM. That means the clock has a time deviation.

Now, you might wonder why this happens. You see, there are a lot of things that can affect the accuracy of clocks, like changes in temperature or pressure or even gravity. These might cause the clock to speed up or slow down a little bit.

But we don't want our clocks to be inaccurate, especially for important things like making sure we catch our school bus or our favorite TV show. That's why we have people called scientists who work on making clocks as precise as possible.

They use really cool things like atomic clocks that are so accurate that they won't even deviate by a single second in thousands of years! Can you believe that? So, even though time deviation can be a problem sometimes, smart people are working hard to make sure we can always know what time it is.