ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Time-division multiplexing

Okay kiddo, you know how sometimes mommy or daddy has to share a toy or a snack with you and your sibling? Well, sometimes in computer networks, lots of people want to use the same communication line to send lots of different messages to each other, just like sharing a toy or a snack.

Time-division multiplexing is a way for lots of people to share that communication line without their messages getting mixed up, just like how you and your sibling take turns playing or snacking. Imagine the communication line is like a big cake and the messages are like different slices of the cake.

To use time-division multiplexing, the communication line is divided into different time slots just like each slice of cake. Each person who wants to send a message gets their own time slot or slice of cake. They can send their message during their time slot and know that it won't mix up with anyone else's messages.

Then, when all of the time slots have been used and all the messages have been sent, they start all over again with the first person getting their own time slot again. This way, everyone gets to send their messages without any confusion.

So, time-division multiplexing is like sharing a toy or a snack by taking turns, except with computer networks, it's like sharing the communication line by taking turns with different time slots.