ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of Albanian history

Once upon a time, there were people living in a place called Albania. They were called Illyrians and they were very good farmers and warriors. They lived peacefully until other groups of people, like the Greeks and the Romans, came and took over.

For a long time, Albania was part of different empires like the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire. Albanian people became very good at adapting to different cultures and religions. Some people became Islamic and others became Christian.

In the 20th century, Albania became an independent country. It was led by King Zog who tried to modernize the country. But then, a very bad man named Mussolini came from Italy and took control. After Mussolini, Albania was led by a dictator named Enver Hoxha. He wanted to make Albania a communist country where everyone was equal, but he did some very bad things and people suffered.

In 1991, Albania became a democratic country and it’s been trying to build its economy and improve its living conditions. Today, Albania is a beautiful country with a rich history and culture.