ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of European exploration

European exploration happened over a long period of time, but started during the Middle Ages (around the 900s to 1500s). During this time, people from Europe first began setting sail to explore new lands and trade with different cultures around the world. They sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to places like India and China, but also sailed up the coast of Africa.

In the 1500s, explorers like Christopher Columbus found new lands such as North and South America. And in the 1600s, other explorers like Henry Hudson explored even farther, sailing up the coasts of what are now Canada, the United States, and even the Arctic.

By the 1700s, Europe was the leading force in exploration and trade. Explorers had already discovered the majority of the world and were now interested in learning more about the world and its cultures. During this time, exploration continued to make advances with the invention of newer ships, navigational tools, and maps.

By the mid-1800s, European exploration had spread all around the world. Explorers had explored and mapped the entire planet, and traders had established trading routes across the oceans. This established Europe as the dominant force in world exploration and trade.