ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of labour issues and events in Canada

Okay, so imagine you and your friends are playing with toys in the sandbox. But then, some of your friends start getting upset because they don't have enough toys to play with or they're not getting turns to play with certain toys. This is kind of like what happened a long time ago in Canada with workers and their bosses.

A really long time ago, there weren't really any rules about how much workers could get paid or how many hours they had to work. So some bosses would make their workers work really long hours for very little money. This made the workers upset, kind of like when you don't get enough time to play with a toy you really like.

So the workers decided to form groups called unions, kind of like when you and your friends make a club in the sandbox. These unions helped the workers tell their bosses what they wanted, like more money or better hours. Sometimes, the bosses would listen, but other times, they wouldn't.

This made the workers even more upset and they decided to go on strike, which means they all stopped working until their bosses listened to what they wanted. Sometimes, the strikes would be peaceful, but other times, they would be very loud and angry and there would be fights between the workers and the bosses.

Eventually, the government decided to make some rules to help the workers and bosses get along better. They made laws that said workers had to be paid a certain amount of money for their work and they could only work a certain number of hours each day. This helped the workers feel happier and more secure in their jobs, kind of like when you feel better when you know the rules of a game you're playing.

These laws didn't solve all the problems though, and there were still times when workers and bosses would disagree and have to go on strike or have protests. But for the most part, things improved and workers were able to enjoy better conditions and more fair treatment at work.