ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of the Northern Ireland Troubles

When two groups of people in Northern Ireland had different ideas about how their country should be run, they stopped getting along. One group, called the Protestants, wanted to stay part of the UK, and the other group, the Catholics, wanted to be their own country. They started arguing, and the police and army got involved.

Things got worse when some people started using violence to try to get their way. Protestants were afraid they would be forced to join the Catholic-run country, and so they formed their own groups to protect themselves. Catholics formed their own groups too, and their members did violent things like plant bombs and shoot guns.

The fighting went on for many years, with people on both sides getting hurt or killed. Even political leaders tried to solve the problem, but they couldn't make everyone happy.

After a long time, people started talking to each other to try to figure out how to make things better. They started to agree on some things and make small steps forward. Eventually, they even made a plan for Northern Ireland to be run by both the UK and Ireland together, instead of one or the other.

Today, there is more peace in Northern Ireland, but there are still some people who don't agree with the new plan. People are still working to make sure everyone can get along and live in peace.