ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Tinian is a small island in the Pacific Ocean. Some very important things happened on this island during World War II. The United States and Japan were fighting each other, and both of them thought Tinian was very important because of its location.

The United States wanted to use Tinian as a place to launch planes to attack Japan. So, they sent soldiers to take over the island from Japan. They fought a big battle, and eventually the United States won and took control of Tinian.

After they won, the United States built a big airfield on Tinian. This airfield was very important because it was close enough to Japan that the planes could fly there and back, but they didn't have to stop to refuel. This was really helpful for the United States because it meant they could do more damage to Japan.

One of the most important things that happened on Tinian was that the United States used it as a base to launch planes that dropped atomic bombs on Japan. These bombs are very powerful and can destroy entire cities. The bombs that were dropped on Japan helped the United States win the war.

Today, Tinian is still a very small island, and not many people live there. But it is an important place in history because of what happened there during World War II.