ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tinkering School

Tinkering school is a place where kids get to explore and play with different materials and tools, like hammers, nails, saws, and screws. It's like a workshop or a playground where children can build things with their hands, using their creativity and imagination.

Imagine that you have a big box full of toys and tools, and you can use all of them to make anything you want. You can build a chair or a table, a robot or a car, a castle or a fort. There are no instructions or rules, you can experiment and try new things until you find what works best.

At tinkering school, there are grown-ups who are called facilitators, and they are there to help you if you need it. They can show you how to use the tools safely and teach you new techniques. But most of the time, they let you figure things out on your own, so you can learn by doing.

Tinkering school is a place where you can learn to be creative, to solve problems, and to work as a team. You can also learn about science, engineering, and technology, without even realizing it, because you are having so much fun.

In tinkering school, there are no wrong answers or mistakes, only opportunities to learn and grow. You can take risks and make mistakes, because that's how you learn. And when you are done, you can take pride in what you have made and show it to others.